OpenGL Homework of “Introduction to Computer Graphics” Course – Fall 2023-2024
Hello again computer graphics masters!
In this post, I will write about the OpenGL homework Oğuz Hoca and I have prepared in the previous semester for the course Introduction to Computer Graphics, and showcase my implementation video.
Continue reading “OpenGL Homework of “Introduction to Computer Graphics” Course – Fall 2023-2024”My Summer 2023 UK and France Visits
Hello people!
In this post I’ll detail my academic visits of the past summer:
- University of Warwick, Coventry, England
- 7th Huawei Mobile Imaging Workshop, Cannes, France
Teaser Video – METU Computer Graphics II Course
Hi graphics-lovers!
Here is a short teaser video I have prepared for the course Ceng469 Computer Graphics II using the footage of past years’ student project submissions, Oguz Hoca’s works, and my homework implementations:
OpenGL Homeworks of “Computer Graphics II” Course – Spring 2022-2023
Hello again computer graphics masters!
In this post, I will write about the three OpenGL homeworks Oğuz Hoca and I have prepared in this semester for the course Computer Graphics II, and showcase my implementations as videos.
Continue reading “OpenGL Homeworks of “Computer Graphics II” Course – Spring 2022-2023″